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“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its on reason for existing"

- Albert Einstein -


Selected publications (of the last five years)

Golan, S., Waits, Y., Ziffer-Berger, J., Barzilai, M., Hanin, N., Henkin, Z., Barazani, O. (2019) Germination behavior of Sarcopoterium spinosum in response to smoke chemicals indicates adaptation to fire in the southeastern Mediterranean. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences: 66: 103-111.


Barazani, O., Erez, T., Ogran, A., Hanin, H., Barzilai, M., Dag, A., Shafir, S. (2019) Natural variation in flower color and scent in populations of Eruca sativa (Brassicaceae) affects pollination behavior of honey bees. Journal of Insect Science 19: 6.

Ziffer-Berger, J. Keren-Keiserman, A., Doron-Faigenboim, A., Mummenhoff, K., Barazani, O. (2019) Notes on the generic position of Brassica deserti (Brassicaceae). Israel Journal of Plant Sciences: 66: 89-93.


Ogran, A., Faigenboim, A., Barazani, O. (2019) Transcriptome responses to different herbivores reveal differences in defense strategies between populations of Eruca sativaBMC Genomics 20: 843.


Ogran, A., Conner, J., Agrawal, A.A., Barazani, O. (2020) Evolution of phenotypic plasticity: genetic differentiation and additive genetic variation for induced plant defense in wild arugula Eruca sativaJournal of Evolutionary Biology 33: 237-246.

Ziffer-Berger, J., Waitz, Y., Behar, E., Ben Joseph, O., Bezalel, L., Wasserstrom, H., Bajpai,  P.K., Bhattacharya, S., Przesdzink, F., Westberg, E., Mummenhoff, K., Barazani, O. (2020) Seed dispersal of wild radishes and its association with within-population spatial distribution.

BMC Ecology 20: 30.

Galili, E., Langgut, D., Terral, J. F., Barazani, O., Dag, A., Kolska Horwitz, L., Ogloblin Ramirez, I.,  Rosen, B., Weinstein-Evron, M., Chaim, S., Kremer, E., Lev-Yadun, S., Ben-Barak-Zelas, Z., Fishman, A. (2021) Early production of table olives at a mid-7th millennium BP submerged site off the Carmel coast (Israel). Scientific Reports 11: 2218.


Waitz, Y., Wasserstrom, H., Hanin, N., Landau, N., Faraj, T., Barzilai, M., Ziffer-Berger,J., Barazani, O. (2021) Close association between flowering time and aridity gradient for Sarcopoterium spinosum in Israel. Journal of Arid Environments 188: 104468.

Ogran, A.  Wasserstrom, H., Barzilai, M., Faraj, T. Dai, N., Carmi, N., Barazani, O. (2021) Water deficiency and induced defense against a generalist insect herbivore in desert and Mediterranean populations of Eruca sativa. Journal of Chemical Ecology 47: 768-776.


Terral, J-F., Bonhomme, V., Pagnoux, C., Ivorra, S., Newton, C., Paradis, L., Ater, M., Kassout, J., Limier, B., Bouby, L., Cornet, F., Barazani, O., Dag, A., Galili, E. (2021) Pit shape diversity in the olive tree, as the result of a long and complex domestication and diversification history, unveils traits of the oldest table olives of over 7000-years-old from Hishuley Carmel site (Israel). Agronomy 11: 2187


Barazani, O. (2022) Testing the costs of defense against herbivore in ecotypes of Eruca sativa (Brassicaceae) Israel. Journal of Plant Sciences doi:


Wasserstrom, H., Ziffer Berger, J., Barzilai, M., Mummenhoff, K., Barazani, O. (2022) Phenotypic variation of wild radishes Raphanus pugioniformis and R. raphanistrum associated with local conditions in the southeast Mediterranean. Flora 287: 151997.


Tepper, Y., Porat, N., Langgut, D., Barazani, O., Bajpai, P.K., Dag, A., Ehrlich, Y., Boaretto, E., Bar-Oz, G. (2022) Relict olive trees at runoff agriculture remains in Wadi Zetan, Negev Desert, Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science- Reports 41: 103302.


Bajpai, P.K., Weiss, H., Dvir, G., Hanin, N., Wasserstrom, H., Barazani O. (2022) Phenotypic differentiation and diversifying selection in populations of Eruca sativa along an aridity gradient. BMC Ecology and Evolution 22: 40.


Bajpai, P.K., Harel, A., Shafir, S., Barazani O. (2022) Whole genome sequencing reveals footprints of adaptive genetic variation in populations of Eruca sativaFrontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 938981.                         


Bhattacharya, S., Gröne, F., Przesdzink, F., Ziffer-Berger, J. Barazani, O., Mummenhoff, K., Kappert, N. (2022) Root of all success’: Plasticity in root architecture of invasive wild radish in variable habitat conditions provide adaptive benefit over its endemic relative. Frontiers in Plant Science  13: 1035089.

Barazani, O., Dag, A., Dunseth, Z. (2023) The History of Olive Cultivation in the South Levant. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14:1131557. 

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